
Showing posts from June, 2023


 *28/06/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *ONE THANKFUL LEPER* Text: Luke 17:11-19 Though Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem, His journey did not follow a direct route, He passed through Samaria and Galilee. Jesus healed the lepers but sent them to the priests to verify their cleansing, just as He did the leper in Luke 5:14. The Samaritans were a despised race Luke 9:52 *A hated foreigner was the only former leper who gave glory to God for his cleansing* Jesus commended the faith that heals, as He did in Luke 7:50 and 8:50. The Samaritan apparently received more than physical healing. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *25/06/2023* *ANOINTING HEALING AND COMMUNION SERVICE* TOPIC: *THE GRACE OF GOD IV* Romans 3:24 "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus," Those who believe in Jesus Christ are justified, that is, "declared righteous", freely, without cost, by *God's grace or "favor"*. Christ Jesus died to provide redemption which means He died to pay the price required to ransom sinners. By paying the penalty of their sin through His death, Jesus can free people from their sin and transfer His righteousness to those who believe in Him. On the basis of Christ's righteousness alone, believers can approach God's throne with praise. Through God's initiative, they have been restored to a proper relationship with Him. Our salvation in its totality is an act of *God's grace*, freely given, and received by believing in Christ. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2


 *21/06/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *LAD WHO GAVE HIS LUNCH TO CHRIST*) Text: John 6:1-14 Herod Antipas had killed John the Baptist and was seeking Jesus. The disciples had preached throughout Galilee, and many people were curious about Jesus John 6:5 John further identifies the Sea of Galilee as the Sea of Tiberias, an indication that his Gospel was written for those outside of Palestine. The Jewish people called this body of water the Lake of Genessaret. The Romans called it Tiberias, after the city built on its western shore by Herod Antipas and named for the Emperor Tiberius. One denarius was a day's wage for a laborer or field hand Matthew 20:2 Two hundred denarii would have been almost two-thirds of a year's wages. Barley leaves were an inexpensive food of the common people and the poor. *The miraculous multiplication of the food demonstrated Jesus' deity, because only God can create* This is the only miracle of Jesus that is r


 *18/06/2023* *THIRD SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *THE GRACE OF GOD III* Acts 15:11 "But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they". These are the last words of Peter in the Book of Acts. He leaves us with the eternal truth that *we are saved through faith by grace alone.* The emphasis in the Book of Acts now moves from Peter to Paul, from the presentation of the gospel message among the Jews to its presentation to the Gentiles. Salvation is only by the grace of the Lord Jesus - and this applies to both Jews and the Gentiles. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *14/06/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *PETER'S WIFE AND MOTHER IN LAW* Text: Luke 4:38-39 The fact that Simon's mother in law served her guests immediately indicates that her recovery from fever was instantaneous. Miraculous healing in the Bible was always immediate Luke 5:13 *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *11/06/2023* *SECOND SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *THE GRACE OF GOD II* Acts 14:26 "From there they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to *the grace of God* for the work which they had completed". From Attalia, the missionaries returned to their home church at Syrian Antioch. This church had commissioned them Acts 14:26; 13:3 and thus they were accountable to it. Why was the grace of God so important in the experience of the early Christians? Why did the church in Antioch pray the GRACE of God would be upon Paul and Barnabas, and later on Paul and Silas, as they set out on their missionary journeys? *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *07/06/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *MANIAC OF GADARA* Text: Mark 5:1-20 Jesus was encountered by a man with an unclean spirit. The man was demon possessed. It is not certain that the demons needed permission to leave the man and enter the swine, but they may have been trying to forestall permanent bondage by Christ. ( The bottomless pit of Revelation 9:1 may be such a place of imprisonment). Jesus bears no responsibility for the action the demons took; He did not direct them to run the swine into the sea. Even today, two thousand hogs is a very large herd. Their monetary value could easily have been worth a lot in today's economy - a sizeable loss for the owners. The Old Testament forbade Jews to have any contact with swine (Leviticus 11:7,8). However, the owners of these swine might not have been Jewish, since this area was inhabited largely by Gentiles (Mark 5:20). Jesus was not well received in this region. His presence had cost financia


 *04/06/2023* *THANKSGIVING SERVICE* TOPIC: *GRACE OF GOD* Acts 4:33 (NKJV) "And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great *grace* was upon them all". All believers of the early church were of *one* heart and mind (Acts 4:32) This *oneness of purpose* enabled the extraordinary sharing of all that they owned. They were not individualistic and did not claim that their possessions were their own private property. Such sharing is another way of witnessing, since it portrays *the oneness that Jesus prayed for in his followers*. It demonstrates that Jesus has truly come from the Father (John 17:21). Meanwhile the apostles continued to bear powerful witness to the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 4:33). God's abundant *grace* enabled both the witness and the unity of the community. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** *www.johnifesanya.