




Genesis 2:9

Revelation 22:2

Garden of Eden was in the east, and there God made to grow all kinds of trees - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.

The first is the tree of life, which was a concrete indication of God's presence and thus was placed in the middle of the garden.

*The relationship with the Creator must be central to human existence*

Eden was an extraordinarily appointed garden with choice specimens of the finest trees and plants.

*Ezekiel 31:8 indicates Christ as the center of the garden of God*

It comes as no surprise that the trees of Eden and the garden of God are mentioned in Ezekiel 31:8, 9b, 18. As a result of its abundant nourishment, this tree towered higher than all the trees of the field; its boughs increased and its branches grew long (Ezekiel 31:5). Because it was such a great tree all the birds of the air nested in its boughs, all the beasts of the field gave birth under its branches; all the great nations lived in its shade (Ezekiel 31:6)

*The fruit of the tree of life stopped aging. To eat of this tree was to live forever*

One day this tree will be planted anew and its fruit will be for the healing of the nations

(Revelation 22:2)

The concluding chapter of Revelation recalls the creation before the fall. But the redemption of the world is not a simple return to the original creation. All of human history stands in between, with the development of civilization, the enormous growth of population, the creation of cities and all the conflicts of human societies. That is why John sees the future as a city, not as a garden of Eden.

The tree of life is now in the midst of the Holy City

(Revelation 22:1-2; Genesis 2:9-10). Now, almost at the end of human history, humans may return and legitimately enjoy the blessing from which they were banished.

*The tree is a remainder that life comes from God*

The tree of life is said to bear fruit every month and it is specifically said to bear twelve crops of fruits (that is, twelve crops in succession, not twelve kinds of fruit).

The tree of life in the original creation was in the middle of the Garden of Eden from which all of humanity was excluded after sin entered the world.

Genesis 3:22-24


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