
Showing posts from July, 2022


 *31/07/2022* *ANOINTING HEALING AND COMMUNION SERVICE* THEME: *MOSES: A PRINCE OF EGYPT* TOPIC: *MOSES CHILDHOOD* Text: Exodus 2:10 God prepare people long in advance for the task to which he will call them. This child, whom God is so carefully protecting and educating, will have an exceptional destiny. But the long time that is allocated to the preparation of this *liberator* reminds us that *God works at his own pace*. The people are enduring oppression, salvation is on the way, but the moment of deliverance has not yet come. It is still decades in the future. God does not rely on improvisation. He has a detailed script and takes time to get ready for what is coming. He prepares the one who will appear on the stage of history through both the ordinary and the extraordinary events of his life. Moses would become 'powerful in speech and action' (Acts 7:22), because of the training and preparation he had received. *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchur


 *27/07/2022* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* TOPIC: *MOSES BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD* Text: Exodus 2:10 As the son of Pharaoh's daughter, Moses entered the royal family, which was probably a very large one given the fact that the pharaohs had many wives and numerous children. As Stephen reminds us, he would have been instructed 'in all the wisdom of the Egyptians' (Acts 7:22), including their *vast scientific knowledge*. He grew into a young man who knew what it was like to be in a position of power and who spoke the Egyptian and Hebrew languages fluently. *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *24/07/2022* *FOURTH SUNDAY SERVICE* THEME: *MOSES: A PRINCE OF EGYPT* TOPIC: *BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD* SUB-TOPIC: *MOSES IS BORN* Text: Exodus 2:10 After what was likely a prolonged period of nursing the child, the mother brought her son to Pharaoh's daughter, who then adopted the boy. Acts 7:21 The name *Moses* is probably related to the Egyptian word meaning *"born "*. Pharaoh's daughter explains the meaning of the name: *" Because I drew him out of the water "* In the Egyptian language *mose* means *'son of'* or *'born of'*, as we see in the names of pharaohs like Thutmose and Ahmose. In Hebrew, Moses means *" He Who Draws Out"*. In this manner, Moses' name can refer to the living God, who is the true Deliverer, and also to Moses, who would deliver the Israelites from the Red Sea. Exodus 14,15. The one who was drawn out of water would be the means of drawing the Israelite nation out of water. Yet he was one whose enemies wanted


 *20/07/2022* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* TOPIC: *MOSES BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD* Text: Exodus 2:8-9 God, through Pharaoh's daughter, protected the child from the river death that Pharaoh had commanded Exodus 1:22 But through Pharaoh's treasury God provided wages to the mother for caring for her own son! Moses would have spent his early formative years with his Hebrew mother, who would have taught him about *the Lord and his promises to their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob* *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *17/07/2022* *THIRD SUNDAY SERVICE* THEME: *MOSES: A PRINCE OF EGYPT* TOPIC: *BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD* SUB-TOPIC: *MOSES IS BORN* Text: Exodus 2:5-7 The daughter of Pharaoh and princess of Egypt was probably one of many daughters. Even though the Egyptians were accustomed to bathe frequently, bathing in the Nile was a ritual dipping in the waters the Egyptians believed to be sacred. The baby was one of the Hebrews' children. A Hebrew baby would have been circumcised on the eighth day. Although circumcision was practiced in Egypt, it was not done to infants. Upon unwrapping the infant's clothing, *the women would have seen his "special mark".* The daughter of Pharaoh and princess of Egypt was not prepared to care for the baby. Since it was a Hebrew child, who would be better than a Hebrew woman to nurse it. *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** **


 *13/07/2022* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* TOPIC: *MOSES BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD* Text: Exodus 2:2-4 God drew the people who together would save this child Moses to the Nile and to the cradle wedged between the reeds. Significantly, all of them were *women*. He used *Moses' own mother*,who had hidden the child. He used *Moses' sister*,probably Miriam, who watched from a distance to see what would become of her baby brother. Finally, God used *Pharaoh's daughter*, the princess,who was moved with compassion for this child entrusted to the river. The Pharaoh's princess plays a providential role not only in saving the child but also in protecting him and educating him. A Rwandan proverb says,'Even if God watches over his flock, he takes care to entrust it to a shepherd'. *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ib


 *10/07/2022* *SECOND SUNDAY SERVICE* THEME: *MOSES: A PRINCE OF EGYPT* TOPIC: *BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD* SUB-TOPIC: *MOSES IS BORN* Text: Exodus 2:2-4 Moses was not the first child. The older sister was Miriam. Aaron was three years older than Moses according to Exodus 7:7 The mother hid her baby from the authorities, who wanted to kill him. But after three months, she found it impossible (Exodus 1:22) *Just as the ark of Noah had been the means by which a family was saved from a watery death (Genesis 7:1), so this ark in which she placed her baby would be the means of saving him* She hoped that someone would find the ark and adopt the boy. She sent his sister, Miriam, to see what would happen. *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*

Christ's Peaceable Kingdom on Earth

 *06/07/2022* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* TOPIC: *WORLD PEACE X* Text: Isaiah 2:1-4 NKJV *Christ's Peaceable Kingdom on Earth* Jesus established His kingdom when He was on earth. We who have entered it have found it to be a place of deep pleasure and lasting satisfaction. It is a peaceful kingdom. In it we do not make instruments of destruction, neither do we learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4 Earth has had many kingdoms in the past, but they have risen with the strength of their kings and warriors, and they have fallen with their weakness. *Christ, our King, is immortal and Almighty, so His kingdom is endless and conquers* Revelation 1:18 Matthew 28:18 According to Daniel 2:34-35,44, the stone cut out without hands is Christ. He is the founder of the eternal kingdom that is above all others. There is only one way to enter this kingdom and that is to be *born* into it by *the new birth* John 3:3 1 Timothy 3:15 Matthew 5:14 The church dwells securely within th


 *03/07/2022* *THANKSGIVING SERVICE* THEME: *MOSES: A PRINCE OF EGYPT* TOPIC: *BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD* SUB-TOPIC: *MOSES IS BORN* Text: Exodus 2:1 Both of Moses' parents were from the house of Levi. Later, *God chose this family to be the priestly family* for Israel Exodus 6:16-20 According to Hebrews 11:23, the parents of Moses had faith in God in the midst of opposition and hid the child because 'they saw he was no ordinary child'. Then in a desperate act which included an element of faith, they entrusted him to God's protection when they left him in a cradle in the Nile. There is a certain irony in the fact that the child who was supposed to be drowned in the Nile was entrusted to the river that the Egyptians worshipped as a symbol of life. God's protection for this helpless child is well expressed in the Ewe proverb from Togo: 'God chases the flies from the animal without a tail'. *Tithes & Offering* Genesis 14:18-20 Account name: *The Ecumenican Church