



O Death, where is your sting?

O Hades, where is your victory?

*1 Corinthians 15:55*


Genesis 2:7, 17; 3:19

John 11:17-44

Acts 2:24

1 Corinthians 15:12-58

In Genesis 2:7, the word *formed* is the term for a potter's shaping of pots. Since man is made from the dust, that is where he returns when he dies. Although God created light with a mere word, He created man by fashioning a body out of mud and clay, transforming the clay into something new, and then breathing life of into it. This breath may be the narrators way of describing the infusion of the human spirit, with its moral, intellectual, relational and spiritual capacities.

*History of death*

Foretold by God as a consequence of disobedience

Genesis 2:17; 3:3

Brought into the world through man's disobedience

Genesis 3:19;

Romans 5:12

All people will die

Hebrews 9:27

Christ Jesus conquered death

Romans 6:9

Revelation 1:18

All shall be raised from the dead according to Acts 24:15. Some to everlasting life according to Romans 2:5-10; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 and some to everlasting punishment.

Death finally be destroyed by Christ

Hosea 13:14

1 Corinthians 15:26

None will die in heaven

Luke 20:36

Revelation 21:4

There is a second or eternal death

Revelation 21:8

*Characteristics of the dead*

Body without the spirit is dead

James 2:26

Unable to move

Matthew 28:4

Revelation 1:17

Ignorant of all human affairs

Ecclessiasis 9:5

Have no human passions

Ecclessiasis 9:6

Unable to glorify God

Psalms 115:17

Don't return to the world

Job 7:9-10; 14:10, 14

In Romans 5:12, the one man is Adam. Through him sin entered the world. Sin brought death. The result is that death is now a universal experience. The phrase *because all sinned* does not mean just that "all have sinned" sometime in their lives, thus referring to individual sins. Paul takes his readers back to the beginning of the human history, to *the one sin* that brought death upon us all. This unity of human race is demonstrated here. In Adam, we all sinned. The result is physical and spiritual death for everyone. From Adam we inherited a sin nature. Furthermore, as a result of our sin in Adam, we face a common judgment - death.

Christ died for sin once for all. He is now alive at the right hand of God. Since believers have been joined to Christ and to His death and resurrection, they can now believe that they too are alive to God. The devil uses the fear of death to enslave us. Through his death, the Son eliminated such fear and broke the bondage of sin and death.


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