



"Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

*Psalms 133:1*


Acts 2:42-47

Acts 4:23-37

Peter and John returned to the community of believers and reported what had happened, including the threats that had been uttered (Acts 4:23). The community's response was united prayer (Acts 4:24) - reflecting the unity for which Jesus had prayed (John 17:21). The content of their prayer is striking. Instead of praying for their enemies to be punished, they prayed about accomplishing their mission of proclaiming Jesus to all. They prayed for boldness and left the fate of those who oppose the spread of the gospel to God.

God gave physical confirmation that he had heard and would answer their prayer (Acts 4:31). The place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, confirming Jesus' promise to his followers (Acts 1:8). Instead of speaking in tongues as on the day of Pentecost, they spoke the word of God boldly. They had prayed for boldness and God had answered their prayer.

The key statement here is that *all believers were of one heart and mind* according to Acts 4:32. This oneness of purpose enabled the extraordinary sharing of all that they owned. They were not individualistic and did not claim that their possession were their own private property. Such sharing is another way of witnessing, since it portrays the oneness that Jesus prayed for in his followers. It demonstrates that Jesus has truly come from the Father (John 17:21). God's abundant grace enabled both the witness and the unity of the community.

So generous were the believers that there were no needy persons among them (Acts 4:34a). The use of the word 'needy' instead of 'poor' is interesting. Some of these believers may have been rich in their own right at home, but they were needy now because they were separated from their property. There were no banks to transfer funds, and thus even if they had assets abroad, they were still in need of food once their own supplies had run out.

The reason there were no needy people in the community was not just that they shared everything but that those who owned lands and houses were willing to sell them and place the proceeds at the apostle's disposal (Acts 4:34b-35). *This was not a community in which people forfeited the right of ownership but rather one in which owners are willing to part with possessions for the sake of needy fellow believers*

When their existing possessions and goods were not sufficient to meet the needs of the growing community, some lands and houses were sold. This statement does not mean that all the believers sold their lands and houses. If they had, they would have had to leave the city and live in the countryside, for they would have had no place to sleep!

*We should follow his example*. There would be no needy believer in our communities either, if we were as prepared to share our belongings as Barnabas was.

*©2008, 2022*

*Ecumenican Church Nigeria®*

Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch*



Email: *johnifesanya@gmail.com*



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