
Showing posts from February, 2022


 *27/02/2022* *ANOINTING HEALING AND COMMUNION SERVICE* TOPIC: *WHY CHRISTIANS DON'T GO TO CHURCH AGAIN* "The world is so unholy, the believer needs encouragement in righteousness and one anothers' fellowship through the gathering of fellow believers in the church" *Pastor John Ifesanya* Text: Acts 2:42 Hebrews 10:25; 12:22-24 Have you been to a church recently?, what were your observations. They may be close to mine - empty seats, scanty people. The worst attendance is recorded during weekly meetings. Many people give different excuses for not going to church meetings late or regularly. What is the record of church attendance in your local assembly, especially during mid-week service? Should this trend continue? What are the spiritual and eschatological implications of this to our world? *What is the Church?* In the text, the author does not use the usual Greek word for church i.e. Ecclesia; perhaps because the term had come to mean the spiritual, invisible, body of


 *23/02/2022* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* THEME: *JESUS CHRIST* TOPIC: *JESUS* (Gk. Iesous) SUB-TOPIC: *THE MESSIAH* MAJOR OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECIES OF THE MESSIAH Jeremiah 23:5 *The Branch of Righteousness* Beginning with Isaiah 4:2, this term is used of the *promised Messiah* Jeremiah 33:15 Zechariah 3:8; 6:12 *This great King will reign with judgment, or justice, and righteousness* This ideal was founded on God's promise to David 2 Samuel 7:16 The necessity for the Lord to send His own King is based on the failure of Israel's monarchs to live up to the standards of Kingship. Jeremiah 21:11, 12 Jeremiah 22:1-4 *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN#* Powered by *JDIS*


 *20/02/2022* *THIRD SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *HOW MANY CHURCHES ARE ENOUGH?* "How much of God is too much?" *Pastor John Ifesanya* Text: Daniel 12:4 Habakkuk 2:14 Matthew 28:19 Romans 8:19 In recent times there is the explosion of fellowships and christian gatherings. This development has generated a lot of comments from Christians and non Christians, some call it "explosion of the church industry". Are you for or against the growth and development of the church in this dispensation? Pardon me, but may we review the topic for discussion. The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is *one*, *indivisible* family  1 Corinthians 12:12-20 Ephesians 4:4-6 There is only *one Church*, but many fellowships and assemblies of Christians. *In an ecumenical and true sense, we should ask, how large should the Church be?* From Church history what we see around us is not new. The Western world, Europe and America have experienced series of revival that have brought sinners back to God. Afr

The Sin-Bearing Servant

 *16/02/2022* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* THEME: *JESUS CHRIST* TOPIC: *JESUS* (Gk. Iesous) SUB-TOPIC: *THE MESSIAH* MAJOR OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECIES OF THE MESSIAH Isaiah 52:13-14 *The Sin-Bearing Servant* *Exalted and extolled and be very high* may refer to three successive events, describing the Servant's resurrection, ascension and glorification. Romans 4:24-25 Or the three phrases might simply emphasize the great exaltation of the Lord's servant. Philippians 2:9-11 According to Isaiah 52:14, people would be horrified at the Servant's appearance; He would be so disfigured that He would no longer look human. Psalms 22:6,7. *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN#* Powered by *JDIS*


 *13/02/2022* *SECOND SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *DON'T GIVE UP !!!* "The shortest way is not the surest way, but the surest way is the shortest" *Pastor John Ifesanya* Text: Matthew 15:21-28 Mark 7:24-30 Our dreams are the most precious things to us. When a man loses his dream, he lost all. When dreams are lost, the victim is miserable, the society suffer and God is dissatisfied. Visions and goals should be pursued tirelessly, tenaciously and passionately. Push until something happens. *Why should I not give up?* To give up is an act of cowardice and unbelief. When we give up on our dreams, we tell God, He is a liar and His Word is not true. Remember Lots' wife Genesis 19:12-26 God is more interested in fulfilling His counsel on earth through our dreams than we can imagine. Ephesians 3:20 God wants to use you to meet a particular need in the world.  Troubles are tests of our faith in God. Matthew 15:24,26 *What should I do?* 1. Have *faith* in God, God's Word and in

The Suffering Servant IV

 *09/02/2022* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* THEME: *JESUS CHRIST* TOPIC: *JESUS* (Gk. Iesous) SUB-TOPIC: *THE MESSIAH* MAJOR OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECIES OF THE MESSIAH Isaiah 52 *The Suffering Servant IV* *Jesus* fulfills Isaiah's prophecy of the Suffering Servant. *The Prophecy* 1. He will be exalted Isaiah 52:13 *The Fulfillment* Philippians 2:9 *The Prophecy* 2. He will be disfigured by suffering Isaiah 52:14; 53:2 *The Fulfillment* Mark 15:17,19 *The Prophecy* 3. He will be widely rejected Isaiah 53:1,3 *The Fulfillment* John 12:37,38 *The Prophecy* 4. He will bear our sins and sorrows. Isaiah 53:4 *The Fulfillment* Romans 4:25 1 Peter 2:24,25 *The Prophecy* 5. He will make a blood atonement. Isaiah 53:5 *The Fulfillment* Romans 3:25 *The Prophecy* 6. He will be our substitute Isaiah 53:6,8 *The Fulfillment* 2 Corinthians 5:21 *The Prophecy* 7. He will voluntarily accept our guilt and punishment. Isaiah 53:7 *The Fulfillment* John 10:11 *The Prophecy* 8. H


 *06/02/2022* *THANKSGIVING SERVICE* TOPIC: *A COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS III* "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" *Psalms 133:1* Text: Acts 2:42-47 Acts 4:23-37 Peter and John returned to the community of believers and reported what had happened, including the threats that had been uttered (Acts 4:23). The community's response was united prayer (Acts 4:24) - reflecting the unity for which Jesus had prayed (John 17:21). The content of their prayer is striking. Instead of praying for their enemies to be punished, they prayed about accomplishing their mission of proclaiming Jesus to all. They prayed for boldness and left the fate of those who oppose the spread of the gospel to God. God gave physical confirmation that he had heard and would answer their prayer (Acts 4:31). The place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, confirming Jesus' promise to his followers (Acts 1:8). Instead of speaking in tongues as on the da


 *Tithes & Offering* Genesis 14:18-20 Account name:  *The Ecumenican Church* Account number: 2280020397 Banker: *Eco Bank Nig. Ltd* *This church is not funded or sponsored by any state, private or public organization.* *We rely on donations from good-spirited people as you to propagate the Good News of Christ*

The Suffering Servant III

 *02/02/2022* *MID-WEEK SERVICE* *2022 NIGERIA PEACE PRAYER PROJECT* THEME: *JESUS CHRIST* TOPIC: *JESUS* (Gk. Iesous) SUB-TOPIC: *THE MESSIAH* MAJOR OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECIES OF THE MESSIAH Isaiah 52 *The Suffering Servant III* Although at times Isaiah refers to the nation Israel as a Servant according to Isaiah 49:3, the preeminent Servant of the Lord was clearly a unique person, a suffering Messiah Isaiah 53:6 New Testament authors such as Matthew understood Jesus' teaching and preaching as a direct fulfillment of Isaiah 42:1-4 according to Matthew 12:15-21. Philip used one of the Servant Songs as a starting point for evangelism Isaiah 53:7,8 The Ethiopian eunuch asked him to explain the passage "He was led as a sheep to the slaughter' Isaiah 53:7,8 Acts 8:31-34 Philip introduced him to Jesus, the One who was led to His death for the sins of all humanity. *©2022* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: *johni