



"Poverty does not necessarily cause sin, rather sin is the root cause of poverty"

*Pastor John Ifesanya*


Luke 6:20-38

Luke 8:18

Isaiah 61:1-3

Human beings from one civilization to another have tried to explain or figure out things happening around them. Such questions include, *Why are some born princes while some born lowly?*, *Should I not have been born an American like Rockefeller, Carnegie and not in a slum?*, *Why does God make some great and others not?* Am sure you have asked questions like these. But wait, did you get any satisfactory answer to all these questions? May be you asked the wrong person the question and could not give the right answer. Please don't ask me the question, because neither can I answer you. But I know a Person that can supply the answer, He knows all things.

Let's journey through the Words of this Man.

Firstly, we need to ask the right question before we can receive a right answer. *The right question is, Which one comes first: poverty or sin?* Is poverty the cause of sin or sin the cause of poverty? Anthropologically, which one come first?

From creation, man was living in a perfect state devoid of hunger, sickness, bondage. Imperfection came into the world, after man committed sin according to Genesis 3. Sin produced murder, genocide, hunger, anger, war, famine etc. The root cause of man's problem is sin. Worst still all humans lost their destinies through a man named Adam. Adam sinned and all of us became partakers of his sins ever before we were born.

Poverty, hunger and lack are signs and symptoms of sin and imperfections. Another question, *Why are we suppose to bear the sin and punishment of Adam?* But the answer is, How many of us have not committed worse sin than the sin of disobedience? But here is the lesson; humanity is a continuity. We are the image of our forefathers, as our children are ours. *The cause of poverty is the curse of sin according to Genesis 3:14-19*

The goodnews is that another man came after Adam, He took our curse and nailed it to his cross. Henceforth, we are not suppose to live under the curse of sin and death. Glory Hallelujah, the name of the Messiah is Jesus Christ according to Galatians 3:10-13. Wait a minute, some people know this truth, but seems to be living under the bondage of poverty? Is the Bible true? Can we not see manifest in our lives what our Lord promised us? How can I live a victorious life as a believer?

A believer is not under the bondage of poverty, however the fight against the devil is continuous as long as we are in the flesh (1 Timothy 6:12). *Our battle is not necessarily against man, government or economic policy, ours is of faith according to Galatians 3:11-14.*

Live a life of faith, have a faith attitude.

*©2008, 2022*

*Ecumenican Church Nigeria®*

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