



Matthew 17:14-21

Luke 17:5-10

*"True faith in God is undamageable, it can only be tried"*

Pastor J.D. Ifesanya

When Moses returned from the mountain, he found turmoil and failure in the camp (Exodus 32:15-17); so too did Jesus. He returned from the Mount of Transfiguration to find a crowd had formed around the rest of the disciples.

A man from the crowd approached Jesus and asked him to heal his son, who had seizures caused by demonic activity (Matthew 17:14; Mark 9:17-18). This does not mean that all cases of seizures are caused by demons. The man had brought his child to the disciples for healing, but they failed to cast out the demon (Matthew 17:16). *He approached Jesus reverentially and knelt down. In that culture, kneeling before someone symbolized respect and, often, pleading. The gesture has the same significance in many African cultures today*

With an air of impatience, Jesus called his contemporaries an unbelieving and perverse generation (Matthew 17:17). His words applied to the crowd generally, but particularly to the disciples, who by this time should have been able to handle this problem successfully, as they had when they went out on their mission (Matthew 10:8). *The reason for their failure was lack of faith*

Privately, Jesus explained to them that their faith was smaller even than a mustard seed. If it had been as small as a mustard seed, they would have been able not only to drive out demons but also to move mountains (Matthew 17:20). *It is not just the amount of faith that matters, but the fact that the faith is grounded in the power of God*. He alone can act to accomplish miraculous healings. *Faith is not intellectual assent, but practical reliance on God*

Jesus calls for the renunciation of all self righteousness. Having been told to rebuke offenders and to forgive repentant sinners, the apostles realise that forgiveness is extremely difficult and beg Jesus to *increase our faith* (Luke 17:5).

Even faith the size of a tiny mustard seed can do wonderful things. The black mulberry tree has a vast root system that allows it to live up to 600 years.

*Jesus replied that faith is not a commodity that can be measured or owned. Rather than wanting 'more faith' or a 'powerful faith', what God needs is a faith that is pure and simple, that is, faith with integrity* (Luke 17:6-10).

Our faith does not make us powerful authorities but humble servants of God. It is God who enables these little ones to say to a tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea and it will obey them. (Luke 17:6).

*Those who do what is commanded cannot boast of their own achievements*


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This sermon is dedicated to the life and ministry of Late Archbishop B.A. Idahosa.

*Copyright 2009,2021*

*The Ecumenican Church Nigeria*

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Email: *johnifesanya@gmail.com*




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