




Text: Judges 13:2-23

*Zorah* was in the foothills west of Jerusalem, near Philistine territory, in the lowlands that separated the Philistine plain from the hill country of Judah. Manoah, Samson's father, was from the tribe of Dan, in whose territory Zorah lay (Joshua 19:41). Zorah is also mentioned among the inheritance of Judah (Joshua 15:33), indicating that it was along the border between the two tribes.

*The Angel of the LORD* made a supernatural appearance, described here as "very awesome" (v.6). Manoah's wife recognized him as "a Man of God" (v.6). However, His essential character, embodied in His Name, was not to be revealed to them (vv.6,17,18). This could mean that the Angel was God Himself (Exodus 3:14,15) or His divine representative (Judges 2:1). The Angel declared that the woman's son should be a *Nazirite* from birth and for the rest of his life. The regulations of the Nazirite vows are found in Numbers 6:1-21. Any man or woman could take a vow of separation to God. The vow was voluntary (Numbers 6:2), had limited duration (Numbers 6:5,8,13,20), and included three provisions:

1. Abstinence from wine, strong drink, and the fruit of the vine.

2. Not cutting the hair; and

3. No contact with the dead (Numbers 6:3-8).

A Nazirite who became unclean went through elaborate cleansing rituals (Numbers 6:9-21). Note that both Samson's mother and Samson himself were to follow the regulations (Judges 13:4,5,7).

Samson's Nazirite service was remarkable in three ways.

First, he did not take his vow voluntarily; it was his before birth (Judges 13:5-7).

Second, his service was to be life long, not temporary (Judges 13:5-7).

Third, he eventually broke every one of its stipulations:

His head was sheared (Judges 16:17,19); he associated with the dead (Judges 14:6-9; 15:15); and he drank at his wedding feast (Judges 14:10-20). (The Hebrew word for feast in Judges 14:10 is related to the word that means "drink", and it refers to a great drinking banquet). The announcement that *he shall begin to deliver lsrael* was welcome news. The Philistines had been a thorn in Israel's side for many years. Yet Samson's successes would prove to be temporary, since the Philistines remained Israel's adversaries during the days of Samuel, Saul and David (1 Samuel)

*Man of God* was a term used for prophets elsewhere in the Old Testament, including Moses (Deuteronomy 33:1; Joshua 14:6), an anonymous prophet who spoke to Eli about his sons (1 Samuel 2:27), Samuel (1 Samuel 9:6-10), Elijah (1 Kings 17:18,24), Elisha (about 35 times), and others. At first, Samson's mother may have thought she was talking to a prophet, but His radiant appearance convinced her otherwise. Throughout this entire episode the Man of God *did not tell ...His name* (vv.16-18). The requirements for Samson's Nazirite vow were somewhat irregular (v.5). Samson's mother was also required to observe a strict ritual (v.4)

*it is wonderful:* The word used here is related to the word for "wonders" (Judges 6:13). The Angel's name is too wonderful to comprehend, and so He does not reveal it to Samson's parents. Immediately afterward, the Angel did a "wondrous thing" by ascending into the havens in a flame (vv.19,20). When Manoah discovered that it was *the Angel of the LORD*, he feared for their lives because he and his wife had seen God. Gideon expressed a similar fear when he recognized the Angel of the Lord (Judges 6:22).

*Copyright 2020. The Ecumenican Church Nigeria*

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