
Showing posts from September, 2020


 *27/09/2020* FOURTH SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *DAVID* Text: 2 Samuel 24:15-17       1 Chronicles 21:16-30 *#when he numbered the people#* The nature of the *plague* is not specified, only that its origin was from the Lord. The number of those who died was very high, over three times the number of soldiers of Absalom's army who perished in his abortive rebellion (2 Samuel 18:7). The judgment was carried out by *the angel of the LORD* (Judges 6:11-22). In a demonstration of divine grace, God withheld the plaque from destroying the people of Jerusalem. A threshing floor is a hard, flat surface where wheat is crushed to separate the Kernels from the straw. *Araunah*, called Ornan in 2 Chronicles 3:1, was a *Jebusite*, one of the original inhabitants of Jerusalem. David interceded on behalf of the people - these sheep - regarding the plague. He once again confessed his sin (2 Samuel 24:10) and asked God to hold


 *23/09/2020* MID-WEEK *HOLY COMMUNION* SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *JOSHUA AND ISRAEL* Text: Judges 2:1-5 *The Angel of the LORD* appears as God's representative here, speaking authoritatively to the people about their covenant disobedience. *Gilgal* was the site where Israel had first encamped west of the Jordan (Joshua 4:19). *Bochim* was possibly near Bethel. *I led you up from Egypt:* Exodus 23:20-23. The reference to *you* is plural, indicating that the Angel is addressing the entire nation. *you shall make no covenant:* God's commands to make no covenants with pagan nations and to tear down their altars are found in Exodus 23:32; 34:13; Deuteronomy 12:3. Judges 2:1-2 here contain a string of commands that God had given Israel under Moses, but Israel's disobedience meant that these nations would become snares to them, just as God had warned. (Exodus 23:33; Numbers 33:55; Joshua 23:13). An example of a


 *20/09/2020* THIRD SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *SAMSON'S PARENTS* Text: Judges 13:2-23 *Zorah* was in the foothills west of Jerusalem, near Philistine territory, in the lowlands that separated the Philistine plain from the hill country of Judah. Manoah, Samson's father, was from the tribe of Dan, in whose territory Zorah lay (Joshua 19:41). Zorah is also mentioned among the inheritance of Judah (Joshua 15:33), indicating that it was along the border between the two tribes. *The Angel of the LORD* made a supernatural appearance, described here as "very awesome" (v.6). Manoah's wife recognized him as "a Man of God" (v.6). However, His essential character, embodied in His Name, was not to be revealed to them (vv.6,17,18). This could mean that the Angel was God Himself (Exodus 3:14,15) or His divine representative (Judges 2:1). The Angel declared that the woman's son should be a *


 *16/09/2020* MID-WEEK *HOLY COMMUNION* SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *BALAAM AND HIS DONKEY* Text: Numbers 22:22-35 *God's anger was aroused* against Balaam, apparently because Balaam intended to do what Balak had hired him to do, to curse Israel. God could not have been angry at his going, for He had given Balaam permission (Numbers 22:20). But He had also given Balaam orders to speak "only the word which I speak to you" (Numbers 22:20). Apparently, Balaam planned to say whatever brought the highest amount of money. *The Angel of the LORD* refers to the presence of God (Genesis 22:11,15). God was *an adversary* to Balaam. *The donkey saw the Angel of the LORD:* Balaam was supposed to have been able to communicate with the gods through animals. However, in this situation, the "seer" was blind to the presence of the true God. It was the animal who was the seer, perceiving the true will of God in t


 *13/09/2020** SECOND SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *GIDEON* Text: Judges 6:11-22 *#to choose him to lead Israel#* The Palestinian *terebinth tree* is a large tree with a thick trunk and heavy branches, sometimes confused with the oak. It can grow as high as 25 feet. The terebinth figures in the stories of Abraham, who pitched his tent near the terebinth trees of Mamre (Genesis 13:18; 18:1), and Jacob, who hid a treasure beneath a terebinth tree (Genesis 35:4). The exact location of *Ophrah* is unknown, but it was a city somewhere in the territory of Manasseh. It is not the same as the Benjamite city of the same name (Joshua 18:23; 1 Samuel 13:17). *Abiezrites* were descendants of Joseph through his son Manasseh. They were part of the tribe of Manasseh that settled west of the Jordan (Numbers 26:30 [Jeezer]: Joshua 17:1,2). A wine-press was a square or circular pit carved into rock in which grapes were crushed (Isa


 *09/09/2020* MID-WEEK *HOLY COMMUNION* SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *ISRAEL* Text: Exodus 14:19-20 *#with the pillar of cloud#* Here, the Angel of God and the pillar of cloud cooperated to protect and lead the Israelites (Exodus 23:20,23; 33:9-11). The name Angel of God is an alternative expression for the Angel of the LORD. The pillar is later strongly associated with the Lord Himself (Exodus 33:9-11). The pillar became two different realities - a curse to the pursuing Egyptians and a blessing to the entrapped Israelites. *all that night:* At night, God confused the Egyptians and let the Israelites pass through the sea. Isaiah 63:9 *Their affliction* probably refers to God's sympathy for His people in Egypt (Exodus 2:25; 3:7) and at the time of the judges (Judges 10:16). *He was afflicted:* God shares the hurt of His people (Exodus 2:23-25). Paul's persecution of the members of the early church caused Christ t


 *06/09/2020* THANKSGIVING SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *ABRAHAM* Text: Genesis 22:11-18 *#on the mountain with Isaac#* *the Angel of the LORD:* An appearance of God (Genesis 16:7; compare Genesis 24:7; 48:16). At the last moment, God spoke to *Abraham* from heaven; twice He called out his name. *Do not lay your hand:* The words used demanded an instant response. Abraham was just about to strike his son, then God stopped his hand (Genesis 15:1). *now I know:* Certainly God knew ahead of time how this event would end. But in these words, God stood beside His servant Abraham, experiencing each moment with him and applauding his *complete trust* (Genesis 18:19). The term for *fear* means to hold God in awe; this is the central idea of piety in the Bible (Exodus 20:20; Proverbs 1:7). With his attention solely on the awful task at hand, Abraham had not seen the *ram* until he looked for it. In an amazing manner, his earlier


 *02/09/2020* MID-WEEK *HOLY COMMUNION* SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *JACOB* Text: Genesis 28:12 *#in vision with ladder#* Genesis 31:10; 41:1; John 1:51 Jacob had a vision of angels ascending and descending a ladder from heaven (Genesis 28:12). The thought here is similar, namely that there will be communication between heaven and earth. Genesis 31:11 *#in vision regarding Laban's sheep#* The Angel of God may be translated *The Angel of Genuine Deity*. God revealed Himself in Jacob's dream (Genesis 28:13-17; 32:22-30). *Jacob*: Here, God used the positive meaning of the name Jacob "He (the Lord) Supplants". For the negative sense, see Genesis 25:26; 27:36. In the past, Jacob ("He Who Supplants") had achieved what he wanted by deceit and trickery. Now he had achieved great wealth because of God's blessing. The Lord is the Great Supplanter! Although Jacob's name was later changed to Is