
Showing posts from August, 2020


  *30/08/2020* FIFTH SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *LOT* Text: Genesis 19:1-22 #before Sodom was destroyed# *Lot's* fortunes had gone very well. The *gate* of a city was the place where the town elders met (Ruth 4:1). Lot had become so enmeshed in the life of the city that he had become a ruling elder. *bowed himself:* A term commonly used for the worship of God (Genesis 22:5; 24:26); here it describes Lot's act of reverance to special guests (Genesis 18:2). The angels appeared as men (Genesis 18:2), and Lot greeted them as such. *My Lords* is a greeting of respect for special visitors. *your servant's house:* Lot's generous offer of hospitality may have been motivated out of kindness toward them as well as his sense of the dangers his city might hold for them. *The men of Sodom* were aggressive homosexuals, bent on raping innocent travelers. Under the circumstances, Lot showed great courage by invi


*30/08/2020* FIFTH SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *LOT* Text: Genesis 19:1-22 #before Sodom was destroyed# *Lot's* fortunes had gone very well. The *gate* of a city was the place where the town elders met (Ruth 4:1). Lot had become so enmeshed in the life of the city that he had become a ruling elder. *bowed himself:* A term commonly used for the worship of God (Genesis 22:5; 24:26); here it describes Lot's act of reverance to special guests (Genesis 18:2). The angels appeared as men (Genesis 18:2), and Lot greeted them as such. *My Lords* is a greeting of respect for special visitors. *your servant's house:* Lot's generous offer of hospitality may have been motivated out of kindness toward them as well as his sense of the dangers his city might hold for them. *The men of Sodom* were aggressive homosexuals, bent on raping innocent travelers. Under the circumstances, Lot showed great courage by inviti


  *23/08/2020* FOURTH SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *HAGAR* Text: Genesis 16:7-13 #when she left Sarah# *the Angel of the LORD:* This wonderful phrase is used to speak of God as He relates Himself directly to His people. Angel means "messenger". *by a spring of water in the wilderness:* The detail is appropriate for Hagar's experience. There she was, alive with a child within her, and yet she had no place to go and no future. Hagar was like that spring in the wilderness. *and He said:* On several occasions this passage states that the Angel of the Lord spoke directly to Hagar (vv.9,10,11). God's promise to Hagar to *multiply* her descendants is similar to the one given to Abram and Sarai (Genesis 15:5; 17:20; 22:15-18). *Descendants* translates the Hebrew word for seed (for its use elsewhere, see Genesis 3:15; 15:3,5,13,18). The name *Ishmael* uses the divine name El and means "God hears"


  *19/08/2020* MID-WEEK *HOLY COMMUNION* SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *ANGELS MINISTERED TO MANY PEOPLE* SUB-TOPIC: *MOSES* Exodus 3:2 * at the burning bush *the Angel of the LORD:* An appearance of God. This is the first occurrence in Exodus of this frequently used phrase. Exodus 14:19; 23:20,23; 32:34; 33:2; compare Genesis 22:11,15. The *flame of fire* was an extraordinary sight, particularly since the bush *was not consumed* Deuteronomy 33:16; Genesis 49:26 *Confession* May the Lord and His angels accompany me in this journey of life; in rough and smooth times. *In Jesus name* Amen. *Copyright 2020. The Ecumenican Church Nigeria* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp: *+2348052366039* ** *#TEC#*


 *16/08/2020* THIRD SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *WHAT DO GOOD ANGELS DO?* SUB-TOPIC: *ANGELS ANNOUNCE GREAT EVENTS IN JESUS' LIFE* 1. Conception Luke 1:31 It was a confirmation of prophet Isaiah's prophecy of Immanuel in Isaiah 7:14. In Isaiah 7:14: The word *Lord* speaks of the sovereignty of God, of His great control over all His creation. The pronoun *Himself* adds an absolute certainty to the impending sign. The Hebrew word rendered *virgin* means "a young woman of marriageable age". But the word also connotes the idea of virginity for the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible made in the second century B.C, translates the Hebrew word with a Greek word that specifically means "virgin". This is also evident in Luke 2:21. According to the Law, a Jewish boy was to be circumcised on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12; Leviticus 12:3). 2. Birth Luke 2:10-12 *The city of David* here refers to Bethlehem. In other passages,


 *12/08/2020* MID-WEEK *HOLY COMMUNION* SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *WHAT DO GOOD ANGELS DO?* SUB-TOPIC: *ANGELS WILL APPEAR WITH JESUS AT HIS SECOND COMING* Matthew 16:27 The saying about the future coming of the Son of Man is a complex one that encompasses his resurrection, ascension and authoritative position at the right hand of the Father, from where he will come to judge the world. Mark 8:38 *When He comes in His glory* is the key of this address to the disciples (vv.34-38). It is the first glimpse of the fulfillment of all history (1 Corinthians 15:24-28). Those who will reign with Christ invest their lives in that which will last (v.35). *Those who are willing to confess Him today will be rewarded before the Father in heaven* (Matthew 5:10-12; 2 Timothy 2:11-13; Revelation 2:26-28)  Matthew 25:31 The final section of this discourse involves judgment. Matthew has been called "the Gospel of judgment" because the subject occurs so often (vv.1-12, 14


*09/08/2020* SECOND SUNDAY SERMON THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *WHAT DO GOOD ANGELS DO?* SUB-TOPIC: *ANGELS PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF GOD* Daniel 6:22 At the den the angel calls out to Daniel, addressing him as a servant of the living God (Daniel 6:20). He recognizes that Daniel continually serves his God, and that God is 'living' as opposed to 'dead' idols. It is also clear that he had at least some expectation that Daniel would be delivered (Daniel 6:20). He was overjoyed when Daniel responded (Daniel 6:23). Daniel had no doubt that it was the Lord who had protected him. His heroic faith is commended in the New Testament (Hebrews 11:33). Daniel 3:28 Nebuchadnezzar was awestruck as he called out to Shadrach, Meshach and AbedNego, addressing them as servants of the Most High God (Daniel 3:26). He had encountered this God as a 'revealer of mysteries' before (Daniel 2:47), but now he encountered him as a deliverer (Daniel 3:28-29). Unfortunately Nebuchadn


*05/07/2020* MID-WEEK *HOLY COMMUNION* SERVICE THEME: *ANGELS: MESSENGERS OF GOD* TOPIC: *WHAT DO GOOD ANGELS DO?* SUB-TOPIC: *ANGELS WATCH OVER CHILDREN* TEXT: *Matthew 18:10* Matthew 18:10-14 Luke groups this parable with the parables of the lost coin and the lost son, as all three speak of *God's pastoral heart*, his care for his little ones (Luke 15). These little ones have direct access to his presence, and if they should be deceived by someone or something and wonder away, the Father does not rest until they are safely returned to the fold. The leaving of the ninety-nine sheep is not to be understood as a reckless act of abandonment (Matthew 18:12). In Jesus' day, shepherds worked in groups, and the diligent shepherd would have left them in the care of others - with the communal herd. Luke emphasizes the joy that followed the recovery of the lost sheep (Luke 15:1-7), whereas Matthew emphasizes the concern that none of the vulnerable members should be lost (Matthew 18:14).