




1. Celestial dignitaries.
2 Peter 2:10-11
*The dignitaries* that the false teachers slander are probably angels. The reference here is almost certainly to Jude 9, where the archangel Michael, disputing with Satan over the body of Moses, does not revile the devil but simply says, "The Lord rebuke you". According to Jude 8, *Dignitaries* mean those placed in positions of authority. The false teachers despise authority, meaning either the Lordship of Christ (2 Peters 2:1) or the recognized leadership of Peter and John (3 John 9,11) or some angelic hierarchy (Jude 8).
The false teachers are full of themselves, looking only for personal pleasure and recognition. Their arrogance is such that they revile angelic majesties, belittle their power and speak disrespectful of them. In contrast with such behavior, the angels, who are stronger and more powerful than the false teachers, do not bring slanderous accusations against them before the Lord.

2. Seraphs
Isaiah 6:2,6
The behavior of the *seraphim* contrasts strongly with the pride of Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:16). All human pride is mocked by the behavior of these angels. They know that in the presence of God there is no room for pomp, no reason for pride.
Seraphim is an Hebrew word. The noun seraphim, is probably related to the verb *saraph*, which means "to burn with fire". These angelic creatures belong to the heavenly host and are only mentioned twice in Scripture - both times in Isaiah 6.
Apparently these beings conduct the worship of God in heaven and are different from the cherubim, who are described in Revelation 4:6-8 as surrounding God's throne instead of standing above it as described in Isaiah 6:2. The relation of their name to burning may be due to their flaming appearance (similar to the fiery serpents of Numbers 21:6; Deuteronomy 8:15). But their name probably relates to their role in purification. Fire is a symbol for purity; appropriately one of these fiery beings purified Isaiah's lips with a live coal (Isaiah 6:6).
Revelation 8:3
The *censer* is a firepan used for burning *incense*. *The golden altar* reflects the splendor of the heavenly throne room (Revelation 4:2,3). Incense here may speak of the fragrance of the infinite perfections of Christ that accompanies the prayers of all the saints or is mingled with their prayers.

3. Cherubims
Genesis 3:24
Even though Eve sinned first, this section (vv.22-24) focuses on the *man*, Adam. This is the first reference to holy angels or the *cherubim* in the Book of Genesis.
The creation of the angels (including those who rebelled against God; Genesis 6:1-4) preceded the creation activities described in the chs. 1,2 of the Book of Genesis.
A cherub (pl.cherubim) is an angel who takes on a particular form (Exodus 25:18-22; compare Ezekiel 1:5-28).
Cherubim, like all angels, are spirit beings, but they can take on physical bodies.
Exodus 25:18
*two cherubim:* The only likeness permitted in the holy worship of God Lord were these beautiful artistic representations of mysterious, angelic beings. The cherub was likely a composite creature with the body of a lion, a human-like face, and the wings of a great bird. Other ancient cultures had similar devices. Embroidered patterns of cherubim were also woven into the tapestry of the curtains of the tabernacle (Exodus 26:1). The only cherubim's *wings* stretched out and faced inward, shading the mercy seat. Their *faces* gazed on the mercy seat itself.
Psalms 18:10
The cherub is a royal symbol and thus speaks of God's power and glory (Psalms 80:1). In the Most Holy Place, the ark of the covenant was topped by the mercy seat on which were two cherubim, heavenly symbols of the throne of God. (Exodus 25:22).
Ezekiel 10:2-9
A particular *cherub* handed the coals to the man in linen (v.2). Though not stated explicitly, it is implied that all the directives of verse 2 were now carried out. The coals were then scattered on Jerusalem. There are ancient sculptures with animal bodies and wings but human faces, sometimes called "cherubs". The difference of the faces between 1:10 and 10:14 should not be called an error; it is possible that the images that Ezekiel saw was changing from time to time.
*Satan was a cherub*
Ezekiel 28:14-16
He was intended to be a guardian cherub. Not only was he in Eden, he was also on the holy mount of God, that is, in the place where God dwells - whether in heaven or on earth (Psalms 15:1; 24:3). The fiery stones among which he is said to walk. He is also described as having been adorned with every precious stone - which seems to allude to the precious stones on the breastpiece of the High Priest's garment (Ezekiel 28:13; Exodus 28:15-20).
The term *perfect* does not mean sinless, but complete or flawless.

4. Archangel
1 Thessalonians 4:16
Accompanying the descent of Christ from heaven will be the voice of an archangel, perhaps *Michael*, who is portrayed as the leader of the army of God (Daniel 10:13,21; Jude 9; Revelation 12:7-9). The only other angel named in Scripture is *Gabriel*, who is given a prominent role as a messenger of God (Daniel 8:16; 9:21; Luke 1:19,26). The archangel's voice will be one of triumph because of the great victory at the coming of Christ, culminating thousands of years of spiritual conflict with Satan. The final signal will be the trumpet of God. The three elements consisting of the *shout* of the Lord Himself, the *voice* of an archangel, and the *trumpet* of God will perhaps be separate events occurring in rapid succession.

Let all things in my life today fall in the right and proper order.
*In Jesus name*

*Copyright 2020. The Ecumenican Church Nigeria.*
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