


The English word "angel" derives from a Greek word used in the original New Testament, *aggelos* (the double g or gamma pronounced here as a hard "ng" sound, as in "angel"). This word means *"messenger"*. The Old Testament Hebrew word *malak* means the same thing. These terms are used in Scripture of human messengers as well as *spirit messengers*. Context determines which is intended.

Angels are mentioned frequently in the Bible, but not for the purpose of teaching us about angels themselves. Rather we learn about their involvement with God and His purposes.

1. The word "angel" means *"messenger"* in both the Hebrew and Greek.

2. *Angels are not to be worshipped*.
*it is wonderful:* The word used here is related to the word for "wonders" (Judges6:13). The Angel's name is too wonderful to comprehend, and so He does not reveal it to Samson's parents. Immediately afterward, the Angel did a "wondrous thing" by ascending into the heavens in a flame (vv.19,20).
Genesis 32:29
Jacob asked for the Man's name because Jacob had given his name. The Man did not answer. But Jacob might have developed his own name for the Man who had wrestled with him: "The Mighty God of Jacob" (Genesis 49:24). God would one day reveal His name more fully to Moses (Ex.3:14,15).
Colossians 2:18
Other religious practices and false doctrines may come from a pagan background. Such doctrines may include a *false humility* and *worship of angels*, that is, of the hierarchy of gods in pagan religions.
Revelation 19:10
To *worship* any person or object other than *God* is a form of idolatry (Exodus 20:3-5). The angel rebukes John for his error (Revelation 22:8,9) and tells John that he is simply a *fellow servant* with him and his believing *brethren*.
Exodus 20:3-5
*no other gods:* God was not to be viewed by Israel as one God among many nor as the best of the gods. He was and is the only living God. He and He alone was to be worshipped, obeyed and adored by the Israelites.
*not make ... a carved image:* Peoples in the ancient world produced many kinds of idols, images and other substitutes for God. Israel was forbidden to do this from the beginning. They could not make anything that would detract from the exclusive worship of the living God. *However, the prohibition of fashioning images was not an injunction against every kind of art.*
The phrase *bow down ... nor serve* form a pair of Hebrew words that describes one idea: any form of worship to another god.
God is *a jealous God*: In other words, He has a zeal for the truth that He alone is God, and He is jealous of any rivals. The Hebrew verb translated *visiting* can mean coming in an act of mercy (as in Ruth1:6) or coming in divine judgment (as here).
*third and fourth*: Idolatry would bring judgment that would affect the idolaters' descendants.
Revelation 22:8,9
*John* makes the mistake of worshipping an *angel* for a second time (Rev.19:10). Again the angel reminds John that he is merely a *fellow servant* of God and admonishes him to *worship* only *God*.
Hebrews 1:14
*Angels are mere servants* (Heb1:7) who serve *those who will inherit salvation*.
Salvation here is not justification because it is in the future, not in the past. The reference is to believers who inherit the Kingdom or rule in God's Kingdom as a reward for their service to the Son.

I command the service and ministration of God's angels over my life and household in protection, provision and deliverance.


*Copyright 2020. The Ecumenican Church Nigeria.*
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