
Showing posts from August, 2023


 *30/08/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *THE YOUNG MAN AT GETHSEMANE* Text: Mark 14:51 Jesus was abandoned. The eleven disciples were gone, but a certain young man followed Him. Only Mark tells of this incident, and many believe that this young man was Mark himself. How else would he have known this story, and why else should he have included it? If it was Mark, and if the Last Supper was at his home that evening, he could easily have risen from bed, pulled on a linen cloth, and followed Jesus and the disciples. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *27/08/2023* *ANOINTING HEALING AND COMMUNION SERVICE* TOPIC: *THE GRACE OF GOD XIII* GRACE GIVEN TO THE HEROES OF FAITH This operating force of grace is revealed in the lives of men and women throughout the whole Bible. Every hero of faith began his walk with God aware of his own weakness and inability. It was only through him allowing God's grace - His enabling power - to work in his life that he was able to become the kind of person that God wanted him to be, and to fulfill the plan and purpose God had for his life. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *23/08/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *A SINCERE SCRIBE* Text: Mark 12:28-34 *The Hear, O Israel* verse of Deuteronomy 6:4 is commonly called the *Shema* (from a Hebrew word meaning " to hear") and is repeated by Jews the world over as expressing the essence of their faith in God. The first commandment summarizes the first four of the Ten Commandments. The second is the essence of commandments five through ten, which relate to the treatment of other people. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *20/08/2023* *THIRD SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *THE GRACE OF GOD XII* Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul is presenting the results of Christ's death for the believer and the believer's death with Him. 2 Corinthians 5:14 Because believers are united with Jesus both in His death and resurrection, they participate in the new creation. That is, they receive the benefits of being restored by Christ to what God had originally created them to be. Genesis 1:26 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 A believer's life should change, because he or she is being transformed into the likeness of Christ. 2 Corinthians 3:18 Instead of living for oneself, a believer lives for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:15 *Instead of evaluating others with the values of the world, a believer looks at this world through the eyes of faith* 2 Corinthians 5:16 *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibada


 *16/08/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *WOMAN BOUND FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS* Text: Luke 13:10-17 When the ruler of the synagogue became indignant regarding Jesus' healing on the Sabbath, Jesus pointed out that basic compassion was shown to animals on the Sabbath, so how much more compassion should be shown on a suffering woman. The description of the woman as a daughter of Abraham indicates how special she was, Jesus pointed out that there was no better day on which to overcome Satan than the Sabbath. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *13/08/2023* *SECOND SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *THE GRACE OF GOD XI* Two scriptures indicate *the two aspects of God's grace* in every believer. 1. God's unmerited favour Ephesians 2:8-9 2. God's enabling power Ephesians 1:4-6 In salvation, not only is God's unmerited favour expressed (in that we receive forgiveness and restored relationship with Him even though we don't deserve it), but so also is God's enabling power - for it is by His power that we can and are being transformed. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *09/08/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *JAIRUS' DAUGHTER* Text: Luke 8:40-42, 49-56 Jairus was the main elder of the synagogue. As such, he conducted the service and kept order. The delay caused by the woman with the blood disorder appeared to have been fatal for Jairus daughter. *This miracle highlights not only the authority of Jesus, but also the response of faith that God honors* *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *06/08/2023* *THANKSGIVING SERVICE* TOPIC: *THE GRACE OF GOD X* Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 In preparation for the instructions that follow, Paul prays that God would encourage the Thessalonians and establish them in truth (a similar prayer in 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13). *It was only because God had graciously chosen them as His own people, loved them and given them everlasting salvation, that they could have hope* *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *02/08/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *WIDOW OF NAIN* Text: Luke 7: 11-17 This was a funeral procession. The cemetery was located outside the city gates. Funerals were normally held the day of death because keeping a body overnight rendered a house unclean. Before the funeral the body was anointed. In a town the size of Nain, many would have stopped to share in the mourning. The fact that Jesus touched the coffin indicated that He preferred helping the dead man to remaining ceremonially clean. Numbers 19:11, 16 *The crowd recognized the parallel between Jesus' raising of the widow's son and the work of the great prophets Elijah according to 1 Kings 17:17-24 and Elisha according to 2 Kings 4:8-37.* *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*