
Showing posts from January, 2023


 *29/01/2023* *ANOINTING HEALING AND COMMUNION SERVICE* TOPIC: *WHO IS THE GREATEST?* Text: Matthew 18:1-5 Philippians 2:6-11 The Christian community is centred on *Jesus*, who is confessed to be 'the Christ, the Son of the living God '. Matthew 16:16 He is our teacher and, while his teaching fulfils the Old Testament. Matthew 5:17 It centres primarily on his own life and words. Status was exceedingly important in first-century Mediterranean culture. Nothing much has changed over the past twenty centuries! In our world, men and women of status wield power and can get things done. *Jesus Christ is the Greatest* having fulfilled the full requirement for leadership through humility. Philippians 2:6-11 Jesus' answer to this question calls for a re-evaluation of the normal understanding of leadership. *Like Jesus, Christians must become like little children* Matthew 18:2-5 Christians must have such childlike characteristics as innocence, wonder, dependence, trust and the ability


 *25/01/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *WITCH OF ENDOR* Text: 1 Samuel 28 Rather than repent of his sin and continue to seek God's forgiveness, Saul turned to a forbidden source of counsel. Exodus 22:18 Leviticus 19:31 Deuteronomy 18:9-14 This tragic decision resulted in his death. 1 Chronicles 10:13 The law of the Lord called for the death penalty on mediums. Leviticus 20:27 En Dor was located in the Jezreel valley, about a mile northeast of the Hill of Moreh. The woman was aware of what Saul had done to those of her profession. She recognized the risk of being punished with death for practicing necromancy. Exodus 22:18 and sought to make sure that her visitor was not laying a trap. When her seance really worked, the seer finally saw that her client was Saul. The appearance of Samuel has been interpreted in various ways. It has been suggested that the appearance took place in Saul's mind, as part of his psychological breakdown. The church


 *22/01/2023* *FOURTH SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *FORGIVENESS* Text: Romans 3:10,23 2 Corinthians 5:10 Matthew 25:31-34,41 We need to be forgiven by God in order to be saved. Jesus' blood is the only way for this to happen. We must humble ourselves and forgive others in order to receive forgiveness. *Forgiveness Through Christ's Blood* What can we do to save our soul? We cannot save ourselves, but we can accept the plan that God has provided for us. Ephesians 1:7 1 Peter 1:18-19 Hebrews 9:22 *Unforgiveness Brings Bondage* When we experience Christ's gracious forgiveness, we receive peace. To retain this peace, it is necessary to forgive others. Matthew 6:14-15; 18:23-35 Hating someone, holding an offense, or harboring a grudge causes many negative effects. The person who allows such attitudes in his life becomes miserable. His health suffers, as do his relationships. When we don't forgive others, it brings about a bondage to our souls that could be compared to being enslave


 *18/01/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *JEPHTHAH'S DAUGHTER* Text: Judges 11:31-40 Human sacrifice was contrary to the Law of Moses. Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5 Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10 Until the wicked reigns of  Ahaz and Manasseh centuries later according to 2 Kings 16:3; 21:6, there is no record of human sacrifice in Israel, even by those who followed Baal. The great respect that Jephthah had for God surely would have prevented him from making such a perverse offering. The fact that Jephthah permitted his daughter to bewail her virginity according to Judges 11:37,38 for two months fits an explanation of perpetual virginity better than human sacrifice. *©2023* *Ecumenican Church Nigeria ®* Instagram: *@ecumenicanchurch* WhatsApp/Telegram: *+2348052366039* Email: ** ** *#ECN Ibadan #* Powered by *JDIS*


 *15/01/2023* *THIRD SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *POWER TO GET WEALTH II* Text: Deuteronomy 8:11-20 *"I believe the power to make money is a gift of God"* JD Rockefeller 1839-1937 Cont'd 2. Dangers of Prosperity i. reliance on self with the exclusion of God. Lack of remembrance of what God done for them in the past. Not just the exodus from Egypt, but to their experience of God's care while they were wandering in the wilderness. God taught them lessons in humility and obedience. Deuteronomy 8:2 He had repeatedly shown them that they were not able to provide for themselves, not even at the basic level of food. They had to rely on God's supply of the mysterious manna, which they never encountered before. Deuteronomy 8:3 Matthew 4:4 The lesson that no aspect of human existence can be separated from God's provision. God had also provided the very clothes they wore and the physical stamina to endure the years of walking. Deuteronomy 8:4 His aim in permitting them to suf


 *11/01/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *WISE MEN* Text: Matthew 2:1-12 The word translated *wise men* can refer either to fraudulent sorcerers according to Acts 8:9,11; 13:6,8 or, as here, to a more honorable class of astrologers. *His star in the East* may refer to a star supernaturally introduced  into the heavens, discernable only to students of the sky. The star reappeared to guide the wise men to where Christ was. Matthew 2:9 The fact that it was called "His star" indicates that the wise men identified the star with the arrival of the King of the Jews. The wise men undoubtedly would have been discouraged by their failure to find the king in Jerusalem, by the lack of knowledge concerning the birth of the Messiah among the leaders, by the disinterest among Israel, and by the weariness from the long journey. The re-appearance of the star must have brought great joy and encouragement to them. The Gold symbolized the royalty of Christ; Fr


 *08/01/2023* *SECOND SUNDAY SERVICE* TOPIC: *POWER TO GET WEALTH* Text: Deuteronomy 8:11-20 Moses insisted (Deuteronomy 7:2-5) on the need for Israelites to avoid the danger posed by the Canaanite religion. Deuteronomy 7:16 1. The need for faith He urges the people *not to fear* the Canaanites, but rather to do three things: a. Remember God's past deeds. God's past deeds include what he did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt. Deuteronomy 7:18 Given the great display of his power as he brought the people out of Egypt, it is no wonder he is described as great and awesome. Deuteronomy 7:21 b. Count on his promises for the future. He would display the same power in dealing with all enemies of the Israelites. Deuteronomy 7:19-24 Their victory would be planned by God, but it will not be accomplished all at once. Rather, it will proceed at the pace he sets. Deuteronomy 7:20-22 Nor will it be accomplished by their fighting strength alone. God would also fight with them by sending panic upon


 *04/01/2023* *MID WEEK SERVICE* THEME: *UNNAMED PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE* TOPIC: *POTIPHAR'S WIFE* Text: Genesis 39 Potiphar's trust in Joseph was so complete that Potiphar had no care except for his menu. Genesis 39:23 Joseph was handsome, this description is similar to the description of David. 1 Samuel 16:12 Potiphar's wife began to flirt with Joseph. Perhaps she was bored. Joseph stood up for his ethical beliefs and told a woman who probably believed in many gods about the righteousness of the only true God! But at a time, the master's wife caught Joseph alone. The clothing of a slave in the hot climate of Egypt probably did not consist of much. She grabbed Joseph. In the ensuing struggle, she wound up holding his garment. Joseph fled. She insulted her husband in front of other slaves. The term Hebrew is used here as a racial slur, it suggests racial hatred. The Hamitic Egyptians scorned the Semitic peoples of Canaan. Genesis 43:32 The Egyptian slaves must have envied J